Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Dear Readers:

Gay marriage has passed. Property tax cap has passed with an exemption for pension increases and no unfunded mandate relief. They also passed a law to allow school districts to bond day to day operations and those bonds are exempted from the cap. Rent controls have passed Just to think only a few short weeks ago $200,000.00 a year qualified you for the millionaire's tax, now it qualifies you for rent relief. All these at the last seconds of the recent state legislative session.

All the "high fives' and complimentary comments regarding the coming together for the good of the state have come to an end. Let's not forget the strong leadership shown by our new Governor for getting his agenda passed. This is the picture that the main stream media has painted for you. If the state elections were to be held right now, wouldn't you just want to vote for your representative again? Suckers!

What you are not being told is why all the important stuff had to wait. Here is what took priority. First the legislature had to decide what the official state vegetable was. They decided our state vegetable is to be sweet corn. This was an appropriate choice as this vegetable is a hybrid produced by grafting. It is fitting that the state legislature voted a vegetable that exists by graft. I hope I am not the only one that sees the irony.

The other more pressing item on the agenda was to ban smoking on train platforms. Another restrictive law against a legal product and the people who use it. Never mind there is still not one autopsy to prove second hand smoke kills. Nothing to prove second hand smoke in the open air affects anybody. This law was to appease a group of people who do not like the habit. Also to protect the children. Yet it is the extortion called cigarette taxes that fund child health care programs. As long as tobacco and it's use is legal, non-smokers have no more rights in public than smokers in public spaces. This still about control and relegating smokers as the new outcasts like we treated lepers in the past. Freedom protects the unpopular. BTW: I smoke.

In a related story, the federal government has decreed that cigarette packs show gross pictures of the affect of smoking. Mind you, only one third of smokers die of causes directly linked to smoking. The other two-thirds die of causes no different that you and I. However if we are now extrapolate this to its logical conclusion as we turn the world upside down for a minority of users of a legal product, let us go down that road all the way.

Drinking alcohol is legal. Let us now put pictures of cirossis affected livers on every bottle and can. Driving is legal. Let us put pictures of car wrecks on every door. Sugar is legal. Let us put pictures of the grossly obese on every pack of candy and doughnuts. If you can do the first, you can do the rest.

When you allow government to infringe on the liberties of one group of people, you allow the government to infringe on the liberties of all the people. Eventually it get to you, and you look around and say "what happened?". That is the point. Why real concerns were on the back burner looking for the necessary votes, our representatives had no trouble getting support to pass laws that should never have seen the light of day. This is my opinion, you may beg to differ.

Anthony J. Bazzo

You can read more politics on Bazzo at Work or going to http:ltpbazzo.wordpress.com.
Dear Readers:

This gives me a chance to plug my business ATOM TAXI INC. As you are planning your holiday or business or vacation travel? Instead of the headache of trying to find Airport parking, we do Airport Service to The Westchester County Airport(and ALL other airports) 24/7. Just call 1(914)879-6121 and my partner Tommy, will be glad to take you in our Airport Taxi. You will also be provided with a free copy of your local paper of record The North County News. If this is a business trip we also provide a professional receipt, just tell Tommy at the time of booking. The cost of a one-way trip to LaGuardia Airport the cost is $100.00 plus tolls. The cost to JFK and Newark Airports is one hundred-thirty-five dollars plus tolls. The tolls are $13.00 Westchester County Airport and Stewart cost $75.00. We do not take credit cards, sorry.
Dear Readers:

It has come to my attention the difficulty in posting a comment on this blog. If you wish to comment, e-mail me at the link posted below, putting "Manifesto Reader" in the subject matter, and I will "cut and Paste" your comments myself. If you DO NOT wish your comments posted, but just wish to communicate with me, please make your wishes known in the e-mail.

LINKS: atom_taxi@yahoo.com(as this a yahoo address make sure you put an underscore (-) between atom and taxi)

For immediate reply: atomtaxi@aol.com

AT NCN: abazzo@ncnlocal.com

ellabellahairclippies: www.ellabellahairclippies.com

ROB ASTORINO: www.robastorino.com

JOHN G. TESTA: www.johngtesta.com

ON TOPIC W/ JOHN TESTA: www.ontopicwithjt.com

CARS & US: www.doverracing.com

THE WINERY AT ST. GEORGE: http://www.TheWineryAtStGeorge.com

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PADAVANO FINE ARTS: Padovanofineart.com

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YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: Every Monday at 9:30 P.M. channel 74
Hosted By: ED CIFFON (Yorktown and Putnam Valley only)

CARS & US: Fridays 10 PM chanel 15(Peek. & Cortlant) 74(York. & Put. Valley)
Hosted By: Dennis Tate

SPEAK OUT WITH SANDY GALEF: Yorktown chanel 74 Wednesdays at 7:30PM..Ossining/Peekskill chanel 15 Wednesdays at 8PM
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

DEAR SANDY: Yorktown chanel 74 Fridays 7:30PM...Ossining/Peeksill chanel 15 Fridays
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

All articles re-printed in this blog from the North County News are with the permission of Bruce Apar Publisher and Editor-in-Chief


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