Sunday, April 06, 2008


Dear Readers:

Starting Thursdays in April at 8PM on cable chanel 78 in Peekskill and Cortlant and chanel 74 in Yorktown and Putnam Valley, former candidate for Westchester County Legislator Dominec Volpe's new show THE VOLPE REPORT will debut. The first show will air with guest Lt. Johanson of the Peeksill P.D. I hope you will put this new show on your must watch list.


P.O. Box 164Putnam Valley, New York, 10579

Assemblywoman Sandra Galef Says "No" To More Protection for Senior Citizens & The Disabled Votes Against "Granny's Law" & Refuses to Increase Criminal Penalties Against Thugs Who Prey Upon Senior Citizens & The Disabled

Putnam Valley, New York:

Sandra Galef the Democratic Assemblywoman representing the 90th Assembly District covering parts of Westchester and Putnam Counties, cast a decisive vote that defeated "Granny Law," on the floor of the State Assembly.In a stunning repudiation of senior citizens and the disabled, Assemblywoman Galef voted no on legislation that would have increased criminal penalties for individuals who commit crimes against senior citizens and the disabled."It's shocking that Mrs. Galef is so out of touch and would deny senior citizens and the disabled the additional protection and peace of mind they deserve", said Bill Gouldman, the Republican challenger to Mrs. Galef. "The people of the 90th district want somebody to stand up for them to put politics aside and bring a dose of reality to Albany," Mr. Gouldman declared."Passing Granny's Law was the right thing to do. It could have ushered in a new era for New York and the people of the 90th district. There is no justification for voting against legislation that protects the most vulnerable among us. We expect and deserve better from people like Sandy Galef," asserted Mr. Gouldman."People in the 90th district want stronger laws that will better protect them. Sadly, the Legislature refuses to listen; blocking or rejecting nearly every consequential public safety initiative, from Penny's Law to the death penalty. Once again Sandy Galef has shown she is soft on crime and coddles criminals. She has chosen to ignore what the people in her district want and denied the disabled and seniors additional common sense safety.


P.O. Box 164Putnam Valley, New York 10579

CANDIDATE FOR ASSEMBLY FINDS HOLES IN LATEST PROPERTY TAX PLANGouldman continues his push for a property tax cap to ease burden on working families

Bill Gouldman, candidate for Assembly in the 90th District, today criticized a new property tax proposal that would give relief to only half of the families that the current program includes. Gouldman once again called on the Democratic Leadership in the Assembly to put forth a property tax cap, which studies have shown to be the most effective way to curb the problem. "Residents in Putnam and Westchester County are feeling the squeeze everywhere, whether it's filling up our gas tanks, heating our homes or paying our outrageous property taxes," said Gouldman. "It is time for some relief and we need to start with property taxes. Our current representative in the Assembly has come up with a plan that simply doesn't provide enough relief and leaves out many who need help. After 16 years in office, shouldn't we expect a better solution from the Chairwoman of the Committee on Real Property Taxation? She's the most powerful woman in Albany on the issue of property taxes and unfortunately we've gotten rhetoric, not action and misguided proposals, not real relief."Gouldman contends that the best way to solve the property tax problem is to impose a cap on the increase to our property taxes. By tying it to the rate of inflation, homeowners will be able to better afford the taxes and our schools will still get the funding they need. However, the latest proposal does nothing to slow down spending, which is the root of the problem. Property taxes will continue to grow unless the rate of spending decreases. "I'll be the first person to say that my opponent is a nice woman," stated Gouldman, "but unfortunately, she has been in Albany too long and has become an insider, simply voting for spending increase after spending increase with the political bosses from New York City. Even worse, her committee has turned into the place where promising property tax relief proposals go to die. We don't need more elected officials who simply 'tax and spend' with no regard for what a budget means. We need someone with a business background who has the common sense to rein in spending and give middle class families a real break."After extensive analysis, Gouldman has found that the proposal is little more than a band-aid that is actually a step backwards from the current relief that is provided. Under this new plan, homeowners would still have to pay their entire bill before they receive a rebate, but the checks will go out to 1 million fewer people. In addition, homeowners who have owned their home for less than five years are excluded. Often, the people who fall into this category are new families and they need the help as much as anyone. Nevertheless, the biggest flaw in the plan is a failure to rein in spending."Even Governor Spitzer recognized he was wrong, when an overwhelming majority of the public disapproved of his plan to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens," added Gouldman. "Now it is time for our Assemblywoman to listen to the public and push for the property tax cap that we so desperately want and need. Regardless of what she chooses, I guarantee that I'll fight for it."

12 Roberts DrivePutnam Valley, New York 10579914-582-7290 cell


Bill Gouldman, candidate for State Assembly in the 90th District, today urged Assemblywoman Sandy Galef to finally push for meaningful property tax relief in the upcoming State Budget. With the budget deadline looming, negotiations are ongoing and now is the chance to advance a comprehensive proposal that lowers the tax burden and gives real relief to taxpayers that have to shoulder the load. Gouldman contends that the best way to solve the property tax problem is to impose a cap on the increase to our property taxes"I can't sit back and wait any longer for elected officials to do what's best for us," said Gouldman. "The Democratic Leadership in the Assembly is the one major roadblock holding up real property tax relief. Unfortunately, Sandy Galef is too close to the New York City politicians who know nothing about property taxes. She's simply part of the problem." Gouldman's cap proposal has been proven to be the most effective way to curb the property tax problem. A property tax cap would limit the growth in property taxes and tie it to the rate of inflation. This would prevent schools from unnecessarily raising their budgets and pushing the cost on taxpayers. Gouldman also calls for the state to pick up the cost of unfunded mandates, allowing school's to shed some of their burden."In addition to her role as the Chairwoman of the Committee on Real Property Taxation," added Gouldman, "Sandy Galef now sits on the General Government/Local Assistance Budget Conference Committee. With all that pull, we still can't rely on her to fight for meaningful property tax relief. It is becoming more and more evident that we need a change." Galef's only solution to the property tax problem proved to be a failure. It was simply a band-aid that is actually a step backwards from the current relief that is provided. Under this new plan that helps less than half of those the current plan aids, homeowners would still have to pay their entire bill before they receive a rebate. However, these checks will go out to 1 million fewer people. In addition, homeowners who have owned their home for less than five years are excluded. Often, the people who fall into this category are new families and they need the help as much as anyone. Nevertheless, the biggest flaw in the plan is a failure to rein in spending."I own a business and have a family, so I know what sticking to a budget means," added Gouldman. "Governments should work like families; you have a budget and you stick to it. If you can't afford things, you rein in spending. Right now, homeowners can't afford these outrageous property taxes, so we need to rein in spending. When I'm elected, I'll bring that common sense attitude to Albany."

Hi Andy,

I would like to commend Legislator Sam Oliverio Jr. especially, who drovethe effort, as well as the other Putnam County legislators, for having thecourage to stand up for NY school children and home owners, and pass supportfor Kevin Cahill's property tax reform bill. Cahill's bill(A04746), titled"The Equity in Education Act", is clearly the best way foward to provide aquality education for all of NY's kids, especially those from districts ofmodest means, and save our suffering property/home owners from the crushingburden of property taxes. Our property tax payers who now bear an unfairburden to fund our schools, have seen enormous increases over the last 10years, with the last 5 years of about 50% alone. Where were those who nowsay "we need more study" over this time? Where were the very wealthy whoevaded paying their fair share to fund our kids education through theregressive unfair property tax system while most of us suffered or wereforced out of their homes? Where was the NY legislature and "leadership" whocondoned and perpetuated this outrage while lowering taxes on the greedyrich? Where were the fearmongers who now falsely claim that Cahill's reformwould "double or triple" our income taxes or that commercial and businesswould not pay their fair share? Does anyone really believe that "millions ofNew Yorker's will leave our state" if they had to pay a fair rate for theirchildrens education? We are already losing real residents/taxpayers who areforced out of their homes and our state by the unfair taxes that targetthose least able to pay! This problem will never be solved by those who runfor office on a tax reform platform and then abandon any real effort to fixthe system once elected. It is astonishing to me the false and misleadingclaims made by some who, while claiming integrity, really stymie true reformand do little if anything to make any change happen.I believe that when our method of financing public schools is shifted fromthose least able to pay to those most able, through an income based model,like the Cahill Bill, the other school spending reform we also need and seekwill be accomplished/demanded by those who then will be paying their fairshare for the first time. We do need additional school reform for what maybe excessive waste, spending, and fragmentation of our districts. We do needa county by county or other "large district" model for a single layer of topadministration and consolidated purchasing power while maintaining localcontrol on needed issues. "Unfunded mandates" should be paid for oreliminated if useless, a waste of time and a fraud, such as the "No ChildLeft Behind" charade. Merely "capping" spending increases as the Mass."Proposition 2 1/2" model does, is itself a fraud, and will do nothing initself to bring equity in education to all our kids, reform school spendingor save property tax payers; it only freezes already out of control taxes onthose least able to pay at current levels, but with smaller annualincreases, and locks in the free ride the super-rich have enjoying by thempaying the same % rate as very modest earners. The "circuit breaker" is alsolacking and narrow in it's focus, and will bring some relief to someproperty owners, but nothing to bring equity to schools or tax rates. Itshould be considered only as an adjunct to the true reform of the CahillBill.Some of our representatives have been late in seeking change and they putfoward plans to muddy the water and delay real change with fear,misinformation or self-interest. So-called solutions are offered that dolittle to effect real change, only promote the unfair status quo, arethemselves expensive to administer and waste even more money. Are the out ofcontrol taxes that were building to intolerable levels over the last 10years, and the current demand for a real solution to them, "jumping toconclusions" or "plunging into" reform? It's been 10 years for pete's sake!Are our elected reps only concerned with their own districts or the mostwealthy among us and only their children? It is claimed that our incometaxes will "increase significantly" under Cahill; that is a canard, and is aroadblock, not a solution! Of the $23.5 B needed for additional schoolfunding under Cahill, the savings from the elimination of all STAR programsand related costs will be about $5 B plus, the contribution alreadycollected from NYC in their income taxes is about $7-8 B, and a further $10Billion will have to be raised through an increase in income taxesthroughout NYS. That is hardly an excessive addition to income taxes spreadover to those most able to pay who have not been paying their fair share todate. Kevin Cahill supports an updated 1972 tax bracket structure thatranges from 2% to 15% as the top rate to replace the current "flat rate"that lumps people earning $30K a year with those making $50 million! Is THATFAIR? Under Cahill's proposed plan, 95% of New Yorkers would pay less thanunder current law! When the savings from the total elimination of schoolresidential property taxes is figured into any increase of personal incometax, coupled with a restructuring of the tax brackets so the rich pay theirfair share, most save money, the added cost is not great for a few andreadily affordable by the others. Even an "across the board" 2% increase onincome would raise an additional $15.5 B using 2006 figures.Cahill mandates basic equality in education for ALL of our kids with theoption for wealthier districts to increase their own school's funding.Cahill shifts the burden from property owners to income and widens the baseof income taxation to include business and commercial property, as well asvacant commercial, agricultural and industrial lands. The benefits are manyand include, beside education and saving our hard-pressed home owners, theprobable preservation of land that would otherwise be forced onto the marketto be "developed". I believe that New Yorker's are natural conservationists,and would not sell their open space if not forced to.Assemblywoman Galef says; "Therefore, I believe that more in-depth analysisneeds to be done onthis bill before I would decide to support it". I believe that the in depthanalysis should have been done over the last 10 years. I believe that the"in depth" analysis needed, is an understanding of the many millions of NewYorker's who are being hurt by the present system, both kids and homeowners. I also believe as Assemblywoman Galef points out, that our schoolsneed reform in their spending habits and fragmented, inefficient purchasingand duplication of administration and services. Sandy is pushing her"Circuit Breaker" proposal, but that does nothing for equity in educationthroughout NYS; it does nothing to widen our tax base by changing to incomebased funding and adopting the updated 1972 tax bracket structure; it doesnothing to provide "Home Security" to all New Yorkers; it Does nothing tohelp preserve open space and stop the forced selling of lands the ownerscannot pay property taxes for. It is also expensive, convoluted and complexand leads only reforms the STAR program and makes propertytax rebates only available to people earning below $250K. If anything this"circuit Breaker" proposal should only be seen as an addendum to the realcomprehensive reform offered by the Cahill Bill, and offered in conjunctionwith Cahill while it is being implemented. We should all ask AssemblywomanGalef to support the Cahill reform bill.The Cahill Bill can be accessed here;Synopsis at in full at increase in tax base under Cahill, as well as the modest increases inincome taxes (after all school residential property taxes are eliminated!)needed to fund this essential reform are not excessive compared to the graveinequities under the present system. I believe that Sandy will see thejustice and fairness of the Cahill Bill and join all the others across NYSwho support it as the best, most comprehensive proposal to reform our meansof school funding and bring equity to all NY children regardless of thewealth of their districts. This is a state-wide issue. This is a moralissue! When this is accomplished the demand for further savings in ourschools will be unavoidable.And, to paraphrase Sandy, I am sorry that I wasn't brief, but this is a veryimportant issue and we must know who isblowing smoke, and who is offering real solutions, as we work to reform, andend, this travesty of property taxes.

Victor Tiship

Who Is Living In Your Neighborhood?
Oros supports call for State to implement E-mail Alert Registry for Sex Offenders

Minority Leader George Oros (R/Cortlandt) wholeheartedly supports the efforts of two Democratic state lawmakers in calling on New York State to pass a measure that would allow neighbors to receive instant E-mail alerts whenever a registered sex offender moves into a community.

Currently, anyone interested in finding information on sex offenders living within a certain zip code must manuever through the time-consuming Sex Offender Registry monitored by the Division of Criminal Justice Services.

Last week, state Senator Jeff Klein (D/Bronx, Westchester) and state Assemblyman Rory Lancman (D/Queens) took the opportunity to mark the one year anniversary of the signing of New York’s Civil Confinement legislation by asking the state to utilize its new statewide emergency communication system to better inform the public about sexual predators.

Nearly three years ago, Oros introduced legislation in Westchester County that would prohibit any convicted pedophile or registered sex offender from living within 2,500 feet of a county facility open to children. The proposal was resubmitted by the Minority Conference in 2006 and 2007 and has been stuck in the Legislation Committee ever since.

“We can pass laws protecting kids from a suntan, cell phones and inflatable pools but not from these horrible monsters that can really harm them,” Oros said. “For some reason there has been a reluctance from my colleagues to make this important issue a priority but I’m glad to see other lawmakers at other levels of government feel as strong about this as I do.”

Last year in White Plains, Oros joined state assemblyman Mike Spano (R/Yonkers) and Greg Ball (R/Carmel) in supporting legislation pending in Albany that would prohibit registered sex offenders whose victim was less than 18 years of age from residing within 1,000 feet of schools and school grounds. The legislation would also outline guidelines pertaining to the number of high-risk sex offenders that can be placed in a residential area.

There are currently more than 25,000 sex offenders registered in New York State. Of those, nearly 500 reside in Westchester and 80 are classified at Level 3, the highest risk of repeating a crime.

Putnam County passed a law last year that prohibits convicted sex offenders from living, working or spending time within a half-mile of places where children congregate.

Nationwide, 21 states and hundreds of municipalities have laws restricting where child molesters, rapists and other sex offenders can live.

The legislation sought by Oros that he plans to reintroduce would include all county parks, recreational facilities, such as Playland, the County Center, Westchester Community College and its satellites, the Medical Center and homeless shelters.

“I am willing to do battle with the ACLU or anyone else to get this legislation passed and protect society’s most vulnerable,” said Oros. “Whether it’s by E-mails, signs, commercials or whatever, we must use everything in our power to keep the public informed about who might be lurking in their backyards or their children’s play areas. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.”


Contact: George Oros (914) 997-2555/ (914) 734-2660
Oros Begins Formal Congressional Campaign

Republican Westchester County Legislator and Minority Leader George Oros formally “kicked off” his campaign for Congress in New York’s 19th District with a fund raiser on Thursday, March 27 at Murphy’s in Yorktown.

Before an enthusiastic crowd that packed the dining room, Oros spoke about why he is running.

“This campaign’s not about me; it’s not about my opponent; it’s about why hard-working middle class families need to work two jobs due to soaring energy, health care and college costs and it’s especially about the high cost taxes impose on all citizens,” said Oros. He pledged to reduce those burdens and particularly get relief for small businesses that are being choked by regulations and taxes. Oros will work to make elimination of the death tax or estate tax permanent.

“This campaign is about whether Congress is serious about fighting the war on terror instead of whether Roger Clemens took steroids”, Oros told the crowd. “It’s about whether Congress and our national government have more faith in you than in the bloated bureaucracy; do they care more what you think or what special interests think?”

Oros stressed that he is looking “forward” in this campaign urging those in attendance to “work together for the future, not the past, and take back Congress.”

In closing, Oros noted that he’s “always been responsive and dedicated to solving problems”

“You know me, I’m not going to change when I get to D.C – but Congress will change,” he proclaimed.

The event was hosted by Terrence Murphy, a candidate last year for County Legislator. It was billed as “a local event to get the campaign started.”

Oros is running for the House of Representatives in New York’s 19th Congressional District which includes northern Westchester, Putnam County, and parts of Rockland, Dutchess and Orange counties.





10:30 AM






The wine bar that rocks.
An artist's community welcomesa brand new restaurant.12 North Division Street has been home to Susan's Restaurant in Peekskill for over 25 years. Now, after months of planning and 10 days of "Extreme Restaurant Makeover", new owners Rich and Jeannie Credidio are proud to introduce 12 Grapes Music & Wine Bar. We are extremely excited to be part of this vital, growing community. We hope you'll join us for what promises to be an awesome good time.

Announcing the Grand Opening of 12 Grapes Music & Wine Bar.
12 Grapes Music & Wine Bar brings together three of life's finest pleasures ~ great food, great wine, and great music. 12 Grapes features an extensive wine list that includes 12 reds and 12 whites by the glass or taste, and a diverse, interesting menu for lunch, dinner and late-night. We have a full-service bar, a comfortable couch area and a brand new décor.But what sets 12 Grapes apart from other wine bars is our music. Five nights a week, you'll be able to enjoy live music from local artists. With Jazz on Wednesdays, Blues on Thursdays, All-Rock Weekends and "Unplugged" Sundays. Great wine, great food, great music. How great is that?
One block from The Paramount. Miles from the ordinary. 12 Grapes is located at 12 North Division Street in Peekskill, NY, just one block from The Paramount Center for the Arts. The location is perfect for a wine bar ~ an historic brick building with French doors that open onto Division Street, otherwise known as Peekskill's "restaurant row". When there's a show at the Paramount, 12 Grapes will offer a prix fixe, pre-theatre dinner, as well as a late-night menu and live music after the show. (Reservations are highly recommended.) There's plenty of free parking on weekends and after 5pm on weekdays.

12 Grapes Music & Wine Bar
Live Entertainment ScheduleGrand Opening Weekend:
Fri, April 4, 8:00e Tim Noyes kicks-off our opening weekend with his mellow blend of acoustic folk music influenced by the likes of Bob Dylan and Elliott Smith.
9:15 Dylan Connor(and his band)Dylan's single, "Love's an Infection", was awarded second prize by American Songwriter Magazine and his new EP is produced by Bryce Goggin who is responsible for the sound on records by Pavement, Phish, Lemonheads, and the Ramones.
Sat, April 5, 9:00-12:00 The Dragon CoastersWhen we say 12 Grapes is "The wine bar that rocks", it's 'cause of bands like this. The Dragon Coasters is an 8-piece rock band with a rich, full sound. With lead singers Maddy Bodnar and Lisa Cibelli, it's always a good time.
Sun, April 6, 4:00-7:00 Petey HopFrom Muddy Waters to Bob Dylan, Hank Williams to Neil Young, Pete's repertoire spans several decades. Pete has shared the stage with just about everyone from the Hudson Valley Blues scene. We're honored to feature him on our first weekend at 12 Grapes.
Upcoming Dates: Wed, April 9, 7 - 10, Glenda DavenportAn amazing jazz vocalist we know you'll love as much as we do.Thu, April 10, 8:30 - 11:30, Adam Vitolo Open Mic NightCome discover some of the best budding artists from the area.Fri, April 11, 9:15 - 12:15, Andrea & the Armenian Rug RidersIf you haven't heard Andrea yet, you don't know what you're missing. This girl can sing! "We're not just rock!", she says, but what they are is FUN!
Sat, April 12, 9:15 - 12:15, Bennett Harris Blues BandRousing and soulful country Delta blues and ragtime music. Bennett's intricate fingerpicking guitar style promises an exciting performance. Sun, April 13, 5 - 8, Two Guitars With Gus Weiland and Brian Conigliero. Two guitars, two great guitarists. Gus & Brian bring you jazz at its best, as well as classics by artists such as Simon and Garfunkel and Steely Dan. When they play Blackbird...oh, my.
Wed, April 16, 8:30 - 11, Susan's House BandStefan's back with his band. Jazz, Eric Clapton, and much more.
Fri, April 18, 9 - 12, Sheri Miller
Awesome vocalist. Indie, Folk, Pop. Sat, April 19, 9:30 - 12:30, "Something New"
A Beatles' tribute band. ($10 Cover)
More info to come in the weeks ahead. Keep checking for our entertainment calendar.
So, that's our story. We're off on an adventure of a lifetime. We hope you'll join us for the ride. Look forward to seeing you at 12 Grapes.
Rich & Jeannie Credidio12 Grapes Music & Wine Bar(914) 737-6624Don't forget to check out our new website, It's still under construction, so check back often.


Hello Everyone,

We're back at Rubens (N. Division St. in Peekskill) tomorrow night, 04/03, at 7:00. We're also booked at Rubens:
THURSDAY04/10 at 7:00
FRIDAY 04/18 AT 9:00
FRIDAY 04/25 AT 9:00
We hope to see you there, as we treat you to Coltrane, Monk, Miles, Getz, Mingus, Parker, Tyner, Shorter, Blakey, Baker and more, including originals from our own players!
See you there!

State of the County Address

County Executive Andy Spano will deliver his annual State of the County Address, Thursday, April 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the 8th floor’s Legislative Chambers, Michaelian Office Building, 148 Martine Ave., White Plains.
The public is invited. Those attending must be seated by 7:15 p.m. Please leave time to go through security.
Minority Leader George Oros will deliver the Response to the State of The County Address.
Both will be broadcast on News 12.


Dear Friends:

I am pleased to announce that the 2008 Westchester Republican Committee Annual Chairman's Dinner will be held on Wednesday, April 23rd at the Ritz-Carlton in White Plains.Westchester's own Ari Fleischer, former Press Secretary to President George W. Bush, will be our Keynote Speaker.Our Co-Persons of the Year will be Yonkers Mayor Phil Amicone and White Plains Mayor Joe Delfino. We will also be recognizing former County Legislators Ursula LaMotte & Suzanne Swanson, as well as, former Westchester G.O.P. Chairwoman RoseMarie Panio.Invitations will be going out shortly, but in the interim, I invite you to participate by joining the Host Committee, becoming a sponsor, or purchasing a journal ad.Attached please find information about participating in this year's dinner.Thank you in advance for your support, and please do not hesitate to contact Republican Headquarters at (914) 949-3020 or if you have any questions.

Sincerley,Douglas A. ColetyChairmanWestchester G.O.P


Sinatra & SliwaMark your calendar!Curtis Sliwa & Frank Sinatra“Coming to Westchester!!”What: Sinatra SoireeWhere: Traveler’s Rest Ossining NYWhen: May 28th, 6-9PMHow Much: $100ppPay Online: bold spirit with a lust for life and amazing energy, Curtis Sliwa is a New Yorker in the truest and best sense of the word. Republicans throughout Westchester and Putnam County are looking forward to a great night of live Sinatra music and lively speaking by Sliwa. Our famous Sinatra impersonator, Ernie Barry, has done events all around the world and performs live in Little Italy every month. Nobody is better than Ernie Barry when it comes to Sinatra!Sliwa, born and raised in the Canarsie section of Brooklyn, recognized early on the advantages of growing up in a close knit community. Curtis spearheads countless public service programs, including food and clothing distribution for the needy and anti-drug speakers bureaus. In 1994, Curtis Sliwa founded Cyberangels, the largest online safety and educational program in cyberspace. Sliwa has also authored several books on self-defense and safety, making his vision of community service and fighting crime a reality. Known all over the world as the founder and leader of the Guardian Angels, a non-profit, all volunteer crime fighting organization with 40 chapters throughout the United States and 7 countries overseas, Curtis Sliwa's scope is vast and intensive. His worldwide connections keep him in touch with major breaking news stories across the globe and a few steps ahead of most journalists. However, Sliwa's passion for "the city that never sleeps" remains a constant fixation. Featured frequently as a guest lecturer at colleges and universities and making regular appearances on TV news-oriented programs, Sliwa's message is one of hope, combined with a healthy dose of common sense. Join hundreds of fellow Republicans at ‘Traveler’s Rest’ in Ossining NY for a great night!Space is limited. Purchase your ticket today at !!

Dear Readers:

This week I discuss the Peekskill School District. You can read my column on this topic exclusively on line(see link below)or in this weeks NORTH COUNTY NEWS on sale now. I am worth the seventy-five cents. Look for my column IN MY OPINION(page 10) in the editorial section. Better yet as this column is exclusive to the North County News on a regular basis and will be covering the local political scene, take out a subscription. Click on the North County News link below and go to Subscribe. Between this blog and The North County News you will have all the information to make a vote based on substance.

Dear Readers:

This gives me a chance to plug my business ATOM TAXI INC. As you are planning your holiday or business or vacation travel? Instead of the headache of trying to find Airport parking, we do Airport Service to The Westchester County Airport(and ALL other airports) 24/7. Just call 1(914)879-6121 and my partner Tommy, will be glad to take you in our Airport Taxi. You will also be provided with a free copy of your local paper of record The North County News. If this is a business trip we also provide a professional receipt, just tell Tommy at the time of booking. The cost of a one-way trip to the Westchester County Airport is seventy dollars. To LaGuardia Airport the cost is Ninety-four dollars which includes all tolls. The cost to JFK and Newark Airports is one hundred-twenty-five dollars which also includes all tolls. We do not take credit cards, sorry.

Dear Readers:

It has come to my attention the difficulty in posting a comment on this blog. If you wish to comment, e-mail me at the link posted below, putting "Manifesto Reader" in the subject matter, and I will "cut and Paste" your comments myself. If you DO NOT wish your comments posted, but just wish to communicate with me, please make your wishes known in the e-mail.

LINKS: this a yahoo address make sure you put an underscore (-) between atom and taxi)

For immediate reply:









ON POINT ON PEEKSKILL: Every Tuesday at 8PM channel 15 (Peekskill only)


DON PETERS AND YORKTOWN: Every Tuesday at 10PM channel 74

Hosted by: DON PETERS

YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: Every Friday at 9:30 PM on channel 74


LEGISLATORS REPORT: Saturday and Sunday at various times on chanel 20


THE VOLPE REPORT: Thursadys at 8PM chanel 78 (Peek. and Cort.) 74 (York.)

Hosted By: Dominec Volpe
EDITOR'S NOTE:All articles re-printed in this blog from the North County News are with the permission of Bruce Apar Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

BAZZO 04/06/08

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