Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Dear Readers:

I am sick and tired of politicians who run on a platform of job creation as if government can create a job that does not rely on tax dollars to exist. These same politicians are also the ones who stand in the way of actual private sector job creation in the name of fear. The worse culprits are Republicans who should know better, but once elected by running to the right, move to the left.

Former Governor George Pataki is a prime example. By the time he ran for his third term, there was not a spit of difference between him and his Democrat opponent. Assemblyman Robert J. Castelli (R, C – Goldens Bridge), and State Senator Greg Ball (R-District 4) are the latest. The issue is hydraulic fracturing, also known as “hydrofracking” or “fracking,” in New York State.

To "frack" a gas well, millions of gallons of water, sand, and chemicals, (yes, some are toxic), are pumped deep underground at high pressure. This fractures the rock that has trapped the natural gas and allows it to escape. Both these "pro-jobs" Republicans while saying they are open to the idea, are actually by their actions opposed. I believe this opposition is more politically motivated as their districts are more purple than red or blue.

As Republicans, they should be advocating this. Instead they play the fear card of what might happen. This is no different than the fear card played by our politicians in calling for the closure of Indian Point. While I agree that it would be unwise to use this procedure near our drinking water supplies, there is still enough places that do not affect our water that this can and should be done. However our phoney pro-job Republicans wish to delay this by advocating endless talk.

This comes down to a simple philosophy, "don't do something, just sit there and talk about it." This then looks to the ill-informed like action, as the media has educated us to believe talking equals action. The Southern Tier of New York desperately need these jobs. The State desperately needs the tax and fee monies this will generate. We desperately need the natural gas this will produce.

All activities attempted by man come with risks. As man is not perfect, that which they attempt can not be done risk free. The idea is to minimize the risks. This process has undergone many revisions to minimize that risk. Keeping it away from drinking water minimizes the risk. "Fracking, like nuclear power is safe that we are being led to believe. We need energy. We need jobs. Private sector jobs. "Fracking" achieves both. It is time both Castelli and Ball stop worrying about their future and start worrying about ours. This is my opinion, you may beg to differ.

Anthony J. Bazzo

The opinions expressed by freelance contributors to PennySaver Community do not necessarily reflect those of PennySaver Community or its parent Chase Media Group.

To read more Bazzo, go to PennySaverCommunity.com, where you can submit responses to his opinions and post your own comments.
Dear Readers:

This gives me a chance to plug my business ATOM TAXI INC. As you are planning your holiday or business or vacation travel? Instead of the headache of trying to find Airport parking, we do Airport Service to The Westchester County Airport(and ALL other airports) 24/7. Just call 1(914)879-6121 and my partner Tommy, will be glad to take you in our Airport Taxi. You will also be provided with a free copy of your local paper of record The North County News. If this is a business trip we also provide a professional receipt, just tell Tommy at the time of booking. The cost of a one-way trip to LaGuardia Airport the cost is $100.00 plus tolls. The cost to JFK and Newark Airports is one hundred-thirty-five dollars plus tolls. The tolls are $13.00 Westchester County Airport and Stewart cost $75.00. We do not take credit cards, sorry.
Dear Readers:

It has come to my attention the difficulty in posting a comment on this blog. If you wish to comment, e-mail me at the link posted below, putting "Manifesto Reader" in the subject matter, and I will "cut and Paste" your comments myself. If you DO NOT wish your comments posted, but just wish to communicate with me, please make your wishes known in the e-mail.

LINKS: atom_taxi@yahoo.com(as this a yahoo address make sure you put an underscore (-) between atom and taxi)

For immediate reply: atomtaxi@aol.com

AT NCN: abazzo@ncnlocal.com

ellabellahairclippies: www.ellabellahairclippies.com

ROB ASTORINO: www.robastorino.com

JOHN G. TESTA: www.johngtesta.com

ON TOPIC W/ JOHN TESTA: www.ontopicwithjt.com

CARS & US: www.doverracing.com

THE WINERY AT ST. GEORGE: http://www.TheWineryAtStGeorge.com

PLAN PUTNAM: planputnam@googlegroups.com/

BRUCE APAR'S NCN BLOG: http://theblogcabin.com/homebase/bapar

NORTH COUNTY NEWS:"http://northcountynews.com/

THE JOURNAL NEWS:http://thejournalnews.com/

PEEKSKILL DAILY: peekskilldaily.com

YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: www.yorktownopengov.org

PADAVANO FINE ARTS: Padovanofineart.com

ASSEMBLYMAN GREG BALL: http://www.ball4ny.com/

PEEKSKILL BID: www.peekskillbid.com or

Peekskill Democratic City Committee Blog:

BRUCE THE BLOG GOES BAZZO: Thursdays at 10 P.M. channel 74. Available in Yorktown - Putnam Valley - Bedford - Bedford Hills - Mount Kisco - Katonah - Lewisboro - North Salem - Pound Ridge - Purdy Station - Amawalk - Granite Springs - Lincolndale - Somers - Baldwin Place - Shenorock - Mahopac.


YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: Every Monday at 9:30 P.M. channel 74
Hosted By: ED CIFFON (Yorktown and Putnam Valley only)

CARS & US: Fridays 10 PM chanel 15(Peek. & Cortlant) 74(York. & Put. Valley)
Hosted By: Dennis Tate

SPEAK OUT WITH SANDY GALEF: Yorktown chanel 74 Wednesdays at 7:30PM..Ossining/Peekskill chanel 15 Wednesdays at 8PM
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

DEAR SANDY: Yorktown chanel 74 Fridays 7:30PM...Ossining/Peeksill chanel 15 Fridays
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

All articles re-printed in this blog from the North County News are with the permission of Bruce Apar Publisher and Editor-in-Chief


Monday, August 22, 2011


Dear Readers:

It has been said the "when the legend becomes fact, print the legend." There is a corollary to this, "when the legend is fact, print the fact.". I have stated and so has "Bruce the Blog" that Yorktown is not business friendly. I have been told by a few elected officials that this is legend and not fact. When I point to the Winery at St. George as an example, I am told there were extenuating circumstances. As if that should have any baring!

Well, after a diner I had Saturday night (08/20/11), I can tell you it is a fact. There is another business, already established, that wishes to expand. Let me tell you that they have been put through the hoops, with only one town violation (out of five I know of) that has merit. The rest are either based on nuisance codes or non-existent codes.

When this business appeared before various boards they were given a list of 30 plus items to address. I was told most of the items were petty. When the task of completing the above items was done and they went again to these various boards, they were given another list of 30 plus items to complete. That is insane.
60 plus item and Yorktown officials tell me the Yorktown being business un-friendly is not true. Garbage!

There is no possible reason why any business must address that many items when that business is already in existence. Why should there be nuisance codes anyway. The answer is that past boards codified into law their personal preferences as if they were partners in those business. It is an example of hubris in the nth degree.

Another example of this hubris is when a code enforcer insists a business do or not do something, substituting their whim for written code. Or better yet, stretching an existing code to mean something not intended. This is a common practice in many municipalities as I have been told of these happenings in multiple places.

Developer Escrow Fees, no phone number on signs, color of signs, just to name a few things that should be removed. The use, misuse and abuse of Enviormental codes. Yet in spite of incumbents in multiple municipalities professing to be business friendly, they still exist on the books.

Until candidates either start to say what specifically they will remove, or why they have not yet removed nuisance codes, then all they are doing is pandering. It is not enough to make jumping through the hoops faster, it is removing hoops that really matters. Until then, this new found business friendly mantra is just a crock. This is my Opinion, you may beg to differ.

Anthony J. Bazzo
The opinions expressed by freelance contributors to PennySaver Community do not necessarily reflect those of PennySaver Community or its parent Chase Media Group.

To read more Bazzo, go to PennySaverCommunity.com, where you can submit responses to his opinions and post your own comments.

Dear Readers:

This gives me a chance to plug my business ATOM TAXI INC. As you are planning your holiday or business or vacation travel? Instead of the headache of trying to find Airport parking, we do Airport Service to The Westchester County Airport(and ALL other airports) 24/7. Just call 1(914)879-6121 and my partner Tommy, will be glad to take you in our Airport Taxi. You will also be provided with a free copy of your local paper of record The North County News. If this is a business trip we also provide a professional receipt, just tell Tommy at the time of booking. The cost of a one-way trip to LaGuardia Airport the cost is $100.00 plus tolls. The cost to JFK and Newark Airports is one hundred-thirty-five dollars plus tolls. The tolls are $13.00 Westchester County Airport and Stewart cost $75.00. We do not take credit cards, sorry.
Dear Readers:

It has come to my attention the difficulty in posting a comment on this blog. If you wish to comment, e-mail me at the link posted below, putting "Manifesto Reader" in the subject matter, and I will "cut and Paste" your comments myself. If you DO NOT wish your comments posted, but just wish to communicate with me, please make your wishes known in the e-mail.

LINKS: atom_taxi@yahoo.com(as this a yahoo address make sure you put an underscore (-) between atom and taxi)

For immediate reply: atomtaxi@aol.com

AT NCN: abazzo@ncnlocal.com

ellabellahairclippies: www.ellabellahairclippies.com

ROB ASTORINO: www.robastorino.com

JOHN G. TESTA: www.johngtesta.com

ON TOPIC W/ JOHN TESTA: www.ontopicwithjt.com

CARS & US: www.doverracing.com

THE WINERY AT ST. GEORGE: http://www.TheWineryAtStGeorge.com

PLAN PUTNAM: planputnam@googlegroups.com/

BRUCE APAR'S NCN BLOG: http://theblogcabin.com/homebase/bapar

NORTH COUNTY NEWS:"http://northcountynews.com/

THE JOURNAL NEWS:http://thejournalnews.com/

PEEKSKILL DAILY: peekskilldaily.com

YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: www.yorktownopengov.org

PADAVANO FINE ARTS: Padovanofineart.com

ASSEMBLYMAN GREG BALL: http://www.ball4ny.com/

PEEKSKILL BID: www.peekskillbid.com or

BRUCE THE BLOG GOES BAZZO: Thursdays at 10 P.M. channel 74. Available in Yorktown - Putnam Valley - Bedford - Bedford Hills - Mount Kisco - Katonah - Lewisboro - North Salem - Pound Ridge - Purdy Station - Amawalk - Granite Springs - Lincolndale - Somers - Baldwin Place - Shenorock - Mahopac.


YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: Every Monday at 9:30 P.M. channel 74
Hosted By: ED CIFFON (Yorktown and Putnam Valley only)

CARS & US: Fridays 10 PM chanel 15(Peek. & Cortlant) 74(York. & Put. Valley)
Hosted By: Dennis Tate

SPEAK OUT WITH SANDY GALEF: Yorktown chanel 74 Wednesdays at 7:30PM..Ossining/Peekskill chanel 15 Wednesdays at 8PM
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

DEAR SANDY: Yorktown chanel 74 Fridays 7:30PM...Ossining/Peeksill chanel 15 Fridays
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

All articles re-printed in this blog from the North County News are with the permission of Bruce Apar Publisher and Editor-in-Chief


Thursday, August 18, 2011

There will be no "perp-walk" today

Dear Readers:

There will be no "perp-walk" today. No trials and no running the Highway Superintendent out on a rail. Forget the tar and feathers while you are at it. The final N.Y.S. Comptroller's Audit of Yorktown has been released. You can read it at:

It was just as I wrote when the draft was released to the press:

Yorktown is not run by crooks. The Highway Superintendent is not a crook. Yes, The Highway Superintendent did have pornography on his computer, but not the illegal, criminal kind. It was more likely the kind of dirty jokes my friends send me. The report suspects it was Eric DiBartolo's, but as anyone did have access to his computer, they could not say with absolute certainty.

The reports says Eric made suspicious purchases and conducted private and political business on his computer, however it did not come to the level of criminal and lays most of the blame on past Town Boards for lax controls and lack of rules. As I wrote, Eric in trying to get from point "A" to point "B" did what he thought best for the town, sometimes rules or lack of be damned. He did not do it to enrich himself, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters.

This audit and all the hoopla surrounding it comes down to as I wrote complacency, sloppy bookkeeping and a mentality of "this is the way we have done things in the past". This present board has set and proposed new rules to prevent this from reoccurring. Hooray for them.

However these proposals and new rues were set forth before the report and draft was released. Meaning the tax dollars and time spent on this was more or less a waste. This time and money was spent in my opinion, on a vendetta with the hopes of a "per-walk". Maybe if this present board survives this election they will not let personal animosity rule the day. Make no mistake this was driven by personal animosity.

Yes, Yorktown government will be better run in the future and that is a good thing. However we did not need the New York State Comptroller to tell us how. This is my opinion, you may beg to differ.

Anthony J. Bazzo
The opinions expressed by freelance contributors to PennySaver Community do not necessarily reflect those of PennySaver Community or its parent Chase Media Group.

To read more Bazzo, go to PennySaverCommunity.com, where you can submit responses to his opinions and post your own comments.
Dear Readers:

This gives me a chance to plug my business ATOM TAXI INC. As you are planning your holiday or business or vacation travel? Instead of the headache of trying to find Airport parking, we do Airport Service to The Westchester County Airport(and ALL other airports) 24/7. Just call 1(914)879-6121 and my partner Tommy, will be glad to take you in our Airport Taxi. You will also be provided with a free copy of your local paper of record The North County News. If this is a business trip we also provide a professional receipt, just tell Tommy at the time of booking. The cost of a one-way trip to LaGuardia Airport the cost is $100.00 plus tolls. The cost to JFK and Newark Airports is one hundred-thirty-five dollars plus tolls. The tolls are $13.00 Westchester County Airport and Stewart cost $75.00. We do not take credit cards, sorry.
Dear Readers:

It has come to my attention the difficulty in posting a comment on this blog. If you wish to comment, e-mail me at the link posted below, putting "Manifesto Reader" in the subject matter, and I will "cut and Paste" your comments myself. If you DO NOT wish your comments posted, but just wish to communicate with me, please make your wishes known in the e-mail.

LINKS: atom_taxi@yahoo.com(as this a yahoo address make sure you put an underscore (-) between atom and taxi)

For immediate reply: atomtaxi@aol.com

AT NCN: abazzo@ncnlocal.com

ellabellahairclippies: www.ellabellahairclippies.com

ROB ASTORINO: www.robastorino.com

JOHN G. TESTA: www.johngtesta.com

ON TOPIC W/ JOHN TESTA: www.ontopicwithjt.com

CARS & US: www.doverracing.com

THE WINERY AT ST. GEORGE: http://www.TheWineryAtStGeorge.com

PLAN PUTNAM: planputnam@googlegroups.com/

BRUCE APAR'S NCN BLOG: http://theblogcabin.com/homebase/bapar

NORTH COUNTY NEWS:"http://northcountynews.com/

THE JOURNAL NEWS:http://thejournalnews.com/

PEEKSKILL DAILY: peekskilldaily.com

YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: www.yorktownopengov.org

PADAVANO FINE ARTS: Padovanofineart.com

ASSEMBLYMAN GREG BALL: http://www.ball4ny.com/

PEEKSKILL BID: www.peekskillbid.com or

BRUCE THE BLOG GOES BAZZO: Thursdays at 10 P.M. channel 74. Available in Yorktown - Putnam Valley - Bedford - Bedford Hills - Mount Kisco - Katonah - Lewisboro - North Salem - Pound Ridge - Purdy Station - Amawalk - Granite Springs - Lincolndale - Somers - Baldwin Place - Shenorock - Mahopac.


YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: Every Monday at 9:30 P.M. channel 74
Hosted By: ED CIFFON (Yorktown and Putnam Valley only)

CARS & US: Fridays 10 PM chanel 15(Peek. & Cortlant) 74(York. & Put. Valley)
Hosted By: Dennis Tate

SPEAK OUT WITH SANDY GALEF: Yorktown chanel 74 Wednesdays at 7:30PM..Ossining/Peekskill chanel 15 Wednesdays at 8PM
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

DEAR SANDY: Yorktown chanel 74 Fridays 7:30PM...Ossining/Peeksill chanel 15 Fridays
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

All articles re-printed in this blog from the North County News are with the permission of Bruce Apar Publisher and Editor-in-Chief


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What is the "Tea Party" Really?

Dear Readers:

Question: Does ones very existence affect inter-state commerce?

This is the very question that lay behind the individual mandate (the requirement to purchase health insurance under penalty of fine and/or imprisonment) in Obama Care (the Affordable Care Act). The position of the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party is that your very life affects interstate commerce and a such can be regulated. To believe this is to believe that our Constitution has no meaning. That we are servants of government and that government dictates what are rights are.

The premise, the very first pillar holding up our government is in our founding document The Declaration of Independence. This pillar, that we are empowered at birth with certain rights granted us by nature and nature's God. "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are ours not by government decree but by birth and no government can take them away without our consent. This was a unique position, for at the time of our founding, the opposite was true.

This is the past, being servants of government, that the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party wish to take us. This is the foundation of Obama Care. To force perfectly healthy people into buying private health insurance with coverage dictated by the government, so as to subsidize people with chronic illness and pre-existing conditions. Because you live you must be insured.

This government position is understandable as they already dictate what kind of toilet we can have. What kind of shower head we can have. What kind of light bulb we must use. They usurped this power form us because we allowed it, as there is no existing constitutional authority to do these. Now they are grabbing the whole enchilada. Total control.

The reversing of this trend, to bring government back to being servants of the people, is what the "Tea Party" is about. To prevent a ruling class from taking permanent hold is what is behind this movement. You see the "Tea Party" is not a party per-say but a way of thinking. In spite of what Vice-President Bieden and Senate Majority Leader Reid say, it is not a party of terrorists. In spite of the media template, it is not a party of bigots, homophobes and xenophobes.

Taxes enough already. That is what the "Tea" in "tea Party stand for. They know that government takes enough money from us already. The know that every dollar taken is less for us to enjoy "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". They know that no congress can compel a future congress to spending cuts as every congress has the constitutional right to make their own budget. They know no congress has spent less then the last congress. They know that to believe that the Constitution has no meaning, that future cuts in spending is not a fallacy, that we are servants of the government is to be a fool. What the "tea Party" is not, are a bunch of fools. This is my opinion, you may beg to differ.

Anthony J. Bazzo

You can read more politics on Bazzo at Work or going to http:ltpbazzo.wordpress.com.
Dear Readers:

This gives me a chance to plug my business ATOM TAXI INC. As you are planning your holiday or business or vacation travel? Instead of the headache of trying to find Airport parking, we do Airport Service to The Westchester County Airport(and ALL other airports) 24/7. Just call 1(914)879-6121 and my partner Tommy, will be glad to take you in our Airport Taxi. You will also be provided with a free copy of your local paper of record The North County News. If this is a business trip we also provide a professional receipt, just tell Tommy at the time of booking. The cost of a one-way trip to LaGuardia Airport the cost is $100.00 plus tolls. The cost to JFK and Newark Airports is one hundred-thirty-five dollars plus tolls. The tolls are $13.00 Westchester County Airport and Stewart cost $75.00. We do not take credit cards, sorry.
Dear Readers:

It has come to my attention the difficulty in posting a comment on this blog. If you wish to comment, e-mail me at the link posted below, putting "Manifesto Reader" in the subject matter, and I will "cut and Paste" your comments myself. If you DO NOT wish your comments posted, but just wish to communicate with me, please make your wishes known in the e-mail.

LINKS: atom_taxi@yahoo.com(as this a yahoo address make sure you put an underscore (-) between atom and taxi)

For immediate reply: atomtaxi@aol.com

AT NCN: abazzo@ncnlocal.com

ellabellahairclippies: www.ellabellahairclippies.com

ROB ASTORINO: www.robastorino.com

JOHN G. TESTA: www.johngtesta.com

ON TOPIC W/ JOHN TESTA: www.ontopicwithjt.com

CARS & US: www.doverracing.com

THE WINERY AT ST. GEORGE: http://www.TheWineryAtStGeorge.com

PLAN PUTNAM: planputnam@googlegroups.com/

BRUCE APAR'S NCN BLOG: http://theblogcabin.com/homebase/bapar

NORTH COUNTY NEWS:"http://northcountynews.com/

THE JOURNAL NEWS:http://thejournalnews.com/

PEEKSKILL DAILY: peekskilldaily.com

YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: www.yorktownopengov.org

PADAVANO FINE ARTS: Padovanofineart.com

ASSEMBLYMAN GREG BALL: http://www.ball4ny.com/

PEEKSKILL BID: www.peekskillbid.com or

BRUCE THE BLOG GOES BAZZO: Thursdays at 10 P.M. channel 74. Available in Yorktown - Putnam Valley - Bedford - Bedford Hills - Mount Kisco - Katonah - Lewisboro - North Salem - Pound Ridge - Purdy Station - Amawalk - Granite Springs - Lincolndale - Somers - Baldwin Place - Shenorock - Mahopac.


YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: Every Monday at 9:30 P.M. channel 74
Hosted By: ED CIFFON (Yorktown and Putnam Valley only)

CARS & US: Fridays 10 PM chanel 15(Peek. & Cortlant) 74(York. & Put. Valley)
Hosted By: Dennis Tate

SPEAK OUT WITH SANDY GALEF: Yorktown chanel 74 Wednesdays at 7:30PM..Ossining/Peekskill chanel 15 Wednesdays at 8PM
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

DEAR SANDY: Yorktown chanel 74 Fridays 7:30PM...Ossining/Peeksill chanel 15 Fridays
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

All articles re-printed in this blog from the North County News are with the permission of Bruce Apar Publisher and Editor-in-Chief


Thursday, August 11, 2011


Dear Readers:

Question: When is an un-funded mandate not an un-funded mandate?
Another question: When is an un-funded mandate perfectly okay with an elected official?
The answer to both question is when they are imposed on private business.

Finger Printing:

Tuesday (08/09/11) and Wednesday (08/10/11) were the second and third meetings between the Peekskill taxi industry and the Peekskill police who licence taxis. The purpose of these meetings is to review and upgrade the taxi code with input from the taxi industry. In my last post on this topic (http://ncnlocal.com/blogs/article_026dc924-c1e0-11e0-b33f-001cc4c002e0.html) I talked about some of the issues of concern to the taxi industry of which I am a member as I am part owner of a taxi company licensed out of Peekskill.

The first meeting a big bone of contention was the proposed rule change regarding finger printing of licensed drivers. As of now it is no longer required after five years of driving with a clean record. The new proposal is to finger print every year. The only case cited as the reason is a driver within ten years acquired a criminal record outside the jurisdiction of Peekskill. One case and every taxi driver must be punished. The cost of this un-funded mandate is $86.00 and you have to go to Mahopac to get this done. The problem when the licensing official and the same enforcement official are the police is that police come to think over a period of time is that everyone is a potential criminal. I would suggest that if this one case happened within ten years then move the five year requirement to ten years. Being that there was only one case cited, I believe this is a solution looking for a problem.

Limiting the Taxi Drivers Licence:

Does the desire of a cab owner to want to hire a driver out weigh the cost of administering taxis in general? We were told that if there are no limits on taxi driver licence's, that eventually the now cost of $125.00 a year would be increased (probably another $50.00) to cover the increased cost of administration.. So should owner/operators who have no intention of hiring a driver subsidize those who do with a higher fee? The reality is that if you ask most cab drivers, and they have been asked, they will tell you there are already too many driver already. This may or may not happen as there are court challenges to this in other jurisdiction a of this writing. Peekskill will wait for a ruling before this is implemented or not.

Taxi Liability:

In an idea coming out of City Hall according to my sources, a proposal to require a one million dollar insurance liability on all taxis was met with universal resistance by the industry. This epitome of un-funded mandates would raise the average insurance policy to $8,000.00 a year per car. That is if the carrier does not drop the insured which two companies that insure taxis said would happen.

We were told that this proposal is based on what White Plains and New Rochelle are doing. This is comparing apples to oranges as both those jurisdictions have fleets only. It is a matter of record that fleet drivers are more careless than owner/operators as a car owner is likely to be a safer driver.

We were also told that this is to protect the City against lawsuits resulting from a serious accident. As we are not at this time being provided with the information on how many lawsuits are pending or have been in the past initiated against Peekskill by people injured in taxi accidents, it seems to be a state secret, my guess is that there are one or none. This is another solution looking for a problem.

We are told over and over again that the city is short on man power because of the recession and upping taxes on the people would not be wise at this time. This proposal supposes that the taxi industry is recession proof. The we can take a $8,000.00 hit in increased costs. This is on top of the average increase in gas costs of $4,000.00 over last year and this is only August. Plus the increase in finger printing costs proposed and the increase cost of car maintenance needed to pass muster with the taxi inspector which is done twice a year.

Butt Out:

The initial reason for the review of taxi codes as was explained to me was to manage the amount of taxis and drivers on the road. This liability proposal goes beyond the scope of this review. It will put owner/operators and small companies out of business. This proposal by people in City Hall who neither drive, ride or can spell taxi should die the death it deserves. As this is an idea out of City Hall being based on other jurisdictions that have no relation to Peekskill, by people who do not know the difference, these people should butt out. This is my opinion, you may beg to differ.

Anthony J. Bazzo

You can read more politics on Bazzo at Work or going to http:ltpbazzo.wordpress.com.
Dear Readers:

This gives me a chance to plug my business ATOM TAXI INC. As you are planning your holiday or business or vacation travel? Instead of the headache of trying to find Airport parking, we do Airport Service to The Westchester County Airport(and ALL other airports) 24/7. Just call 1(914)879-6121 and my partner Tommy, will be glad to take you in our Airport Taxi. You will also be provided with a free copy of your local paper of record The North County News. If this is a business trip we also provide a professional receipt, just tell Tommy at the time of booking. The cost of a one-way trip to LaGuardia Airport the cost is $100.00 plus tolls. The cost to JFK and Newark Airports is one hundred-thirty-five dollars plus tolls. The tolls are $13.00 Westchester County Airport and Stewart cost $75.00. We do not take credit cards, sorry.
Dear Readers:

It has come to my attention the difficulty in posting a comment on this blog. If you wish to comment, e-mail me at the link posted below, putting "Manifesto Reader" in the subject matter, and I will "cut and Paste" your comments myself. If you DO NOT wish your comments posted, but just wish to communicate with me, please make your wishes known in the e-mail.

LINKS: atom_taxi@yahoo.com(as this a yahoo address make sure you put an underscore (-) between atom and taxi)

For immediate reply: atomtaxi@aol.com

AT NCN: abazzo@ncnlocal.com

ellabellahairclippies: www.ellabellahairclippies.com

ROB ASTORINO: www.robastorino.com

JOHN G. TESTA: www.johngtesta.com

ON TOPIC W/ JOHN TESTA: www.ontopicwithjt.com

CARS & US: www.doverracing.com

THE WINERY AT ST. GEORGE: http://www.TheWineryAtStGeorge.com

PLAN PUTNAM: planputnam@googlegroups.com/

BRUCE APAR'S NCN BLOG: http://theblogcabin.com/homebase/bapar

NORTH COUNTY NEWS:"http://northcountynews.com/

THE JOURNAL NEWS:http://thejournalnews.com/

PEEKSKILL DAILY: peekskilldaily.com

YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: www.yorktownopengov.org

PADAVANO FINE ARTS: Padovanofineart.com

ASSEMBLYMAN GREG BALL: http://www.ball4ny.com/

PEEKSKILL BID: www.peekskillbid.com or

BRUCE THE BLOG GOES BAZZO: Thursdays at 10 P.M. channel 74. Available in Yorktown - Putnam Valley - Bedford - Bedford Hills - Mount Kisco - Katonah - Lewisboro - North Salem - Pound Ridge - Purdy Station - Amawalk - Granite Springs - Lincolndale - Somers - Baldwin Place - Shenorock - Mahopac.


YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: Every Monday at 9:30 P.M. channel 74
Hosted By: ED CIFFON (Yorktown and Putnam Valley only)

CARS & US: Fridays 10 PM chanel 15(Peek. & Cortlant) 74(York. & Put. Valley)
Hosted By: Dennis Tate

SPEAK OUT WITH SANDY GALEF: Yorktown chanel 74 Wednesdays at 7:30PM..Ossining/Peekskill chanel 15 Wednesdays at 8PM
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

DEAR SANDY: Yorktown chanel 74 Fridays 7:30PM...Ossining/Peeksill chanel 15 Fridays
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

All articles re-printed in this blog from the North County News are with the permission of Bruce Apar Publisher and Editor-in-Chief


Monday, August 08, 2011


Dear readers:

Last Wednesday night (08/03/11) at Peekskill Police headquarters was the first of four meetings with the police and taxi owners and drivers. The objective is input from the taxi industry as the police (who licence taxis and drivers) review the rules and regulations regarding the taxi industry in Peekskill, and are upgraded to reflect the changing times. To remind you, there is a four month moratorium requested by the Chief of Police in which no new cab or taxi drivers licence's will be issued while this review is going on.

Turn out from the industry was higher than expected as this out reach was viewed with skepticism. The reason for this skepticism was because in the past, decisions were made by the licensing agent(police) then the taxi industry was notified of the changes (sometimes). There were some who viewed this as a fait-accompli. The Peekskill Council directed the police to include owners in the process, there was thought that this was window dressing to appease the council. So far this has turned out not to be the case.

Be sides the designated licensing officials, Detective Sergeant Ray Henderlong and Patrolman Chris Vaseos, both well know to the owners and drivers as fair and reasonable, included was Corporate Council Counsel dutifully taking notes as to research the legalities of topics discussed.

Reflections on the first meeting:

Even thought this was just the first meeting, some things I can tell you will happen when this moratorium is over. There will be drug testing. There will be a limit on cars and drivers. There will be an English test as a working knowledge of English is a requirement. There will be a limit on the amount of passengers per car. There will not be an increase at this time in licensing fees.

Still to be discussed are continuing fingerprinting every year you renew your hack licence. As it stands now, after five years fingerprinting is no longer required if you have remained free of violations. I would agree to this for new drivers only, grandfathering drivers not now required now to do so. Most of them, my self included are of an age where being nefarious is to much like work. Besides I do not need to spend $86.00 for someone to tell ,me what I already know, that I am Not a criminal. I would make an exception for drivers who have a criminal record already. One of the changes proposed on this topic was it will no longer be allowed for people with criminal record to obtain a taxi licence. This would be for new applicants only.

Car seats for minors. This addresses a problem that does not exist. Something I pointed out at the meeting. These are just some of the topics addressed in the two hour meeting. I will keep you informed of others at future meetings.

Enforcement Becomes An Issue:

This brings me to a related topic. As no matter how many laws and regulations are passed, without enforcement, they are meaningless. This particular bugaboo was brought up numerous times by various owners and the reply was the same, lack of man power.

This is a valid answer. There has been a reported hiring freeze in effect. This is to hold taxes down. However I have written that safety is the primary responsibility of any government, and the polticizing of it is just so wrong. There was 2 Park Rangers now there is 1. There was 4 Community Service Officers, now there are 2. Each costs roughly half the amount of a police officer. There were 62 cops, now there are 58. There were 3 Lieutenants one assigned to evenings, now there are 2 with none on evenings.

Even if you do not want to hire additional police officers, Park Rangers and Community Officers could be hired to do some of the enforcement now lacking. When I started driving a taxi 15 years ago, this was the case. The fact is the city must find money for law enforcement and cut from somewhere else if necessary.

Side Stepping the Property tax Cap:

I know Peekskill has money problems like every other municipality. I also know this as I obtained a memo from the City Comptroller Charles Emberger, stating all non-essential purchases are on hold. Only approved by the City manager Rick Finn or the Comptroller will be allowed.

Speaking of City Manager Finn, I want to thank him for proving me right that the recently passed property tax cap was a sham. It has been reported that Peekskill may face a 5% legal increase in taxes as pension and litigation costs were exempted from the cap. The two biggest drivers of tax increases were exempted, protecting the unions and lawyers.

This is not the first time Coumo and the Legislature has scammed us. When as Attorney General, Coumo pressed the Legislature to pass consolidation legislation, it exempted school districts and Counties. Again the two highest drivers of increase taxes, together they make up 75% to 80% of your property taxes. Again protecting the favored few. This is my opinion, you may beg to differ.

Anthony J. Bazzo

You can read more politics on Bazzo at Work or going to http:ltpbazzo.wordpress.com.
Dear Readers:

This gives me a chance to plug my business ATOM TAXI INC. As you are planning your holiday or business or vacation travel? Instead of the headache of trying to find Airport parking, we do Airport Service to The Westchester County Airport(and ALL other airports) 24/7. Just call 1(914)879-6121 and my partner Tommy, will be glad to take you in our Airport Taxi. You will also be provided with a free copy of your local paper of record The North County News. If this is a business trip we also provide a professional receipt, just tell Tommy at the time of booking. The cost of a one-way trip to LaGuardia Airport the cost is $100.00 plus tolls. The cost to JFK and Newark Airports is one hundred-thirty-five dollars plus tolls. The tolls are $13.00 Westchester County Airport and Stewart cost $75.00. We do not take credit cards, sorry.
Dear Readers:

It has come to my attention the difficulty in posting a comment on this blog. If you wish to comment, e-mail me at the link posted below, putting "Manifesto Reader" in the subject matter, and I will "cut and Paste" your comments myself. If you DO NOT wish your comments posted, but just wish to communicate with me, please make your wishes known in the e-mail.

LINKS: atom_taxi@yahoo.com(as this a yahoo address make sure you put an underscore (-) between atom and taxi)

For immediate reply: atomtaxi@aol.com

AT NCN: abazzo@ncnlocal.com

ellabellahairclippies: www.ellabellahairclippies.com

ROB ASTORINO: www.robastorino.com

JOHN G. TESTA: www.johngtesta.com

ON TOPIC W/ JOHN TESTA: www.ontopicwithjt.com

CARS & US: www.doverracing.com

THE WINERY AT ST. GEORGE: http://www.TheWineryAtStGeorge.com

PLAN PUTNAM: planputnam@googlegroups.com/

BRUCE APAR'S NCN BLOG: http://theblogcabin.com/homebase/bapar

NORTH COUNTY NEWS:"http://northcountynews.com/

THE JOURNAL NEWS:http://thejournalnews.com/

PEEKSKILL DAILY: peekskilldaily.com

YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: www.yorktownopengov.org

PADAVANO FINE ARTS: Padovanofineart.com

ASSEMBLYMAN GREG BALL: http://www.ball4ny.com/

PEEKSKILL BID: www.peekskillbid.com or

BRUCE THE BLOG GOES BAZZO: Thursdays at 10 P.M. channel 74. Available in Yorktown - Putnam Valley - Bedford - Bedford Hills - Mount Kisco - Katonah - Lewisboro - North Salem - Pound Ridge - Purdy Station - Amawalk - Granite Springs - Lincolndale - Somers - Baldwin Place - Shenorock - Mahopac.


YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: Every Monday at 9:30 P.M. channel 74
Hosted By: ED CIFFON (Yorktown and Putnam Valley only)

CARS & US: Fridays 10 PM chanel 15(Peek. & Cortlant) 74(York. & Put. Valley)
Hosted By: Dennis Tate

SPEAK OUT WITH SANDY GALEF: Yorktown chanel 74 Wednesdays at 7:30PM..Ossining/Peekskill chanel 15 Wednesdays at 8PM
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

DEAR SANDY: Yorktown chanel 74 Fridays 7:30PM...Ossining/Peeksill chanel 15 Fridays
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

All articles re-printed in this blog from the North County News are with the permission of Bruce Apar Publisher and Editor-in-Chief


Tuesday, August 02, 2011


Dear Readers:

There is a letter to the Editor recently posted on PennysaverCommunity.com from Pat Conlon who is trying to open a new business in Peekskill (http://ncnlocal.com/ncnlocal_opinions/letters/article_151dc5c4-bc81-11e0-9c82-001cc4c002e0.html) He is asking for support in his initiative to lift an outmoded law banning the art form of Tattoo in Peekskill. I am here to offer mine. Full disclosure: I have know Pat for at least 10 years and he is a customer of Atom Taxi Inc of which I am part owner.

I realize the when the original passage banning tattoos was enacted, the industry suffered from a negative image. Bikers taking over towns and going after the women folk was the common template. That was then and of course like all stereotypes not exactly true. Like the billiard hall in the play "The Music Man" where "trouble started with a capital "T" and it rhymed with "P" and that stands for pool." People were scared into thinking a tattoo parlor invited trouble. Like I said, that was then.

This is now and even respectable people are getting tattoos. He has been trying to overturn this as he states "antiquated ban on what has become a respected contemporary art form." A year just trying to overturn a law and they are now just getting to a public hearing. This is the trouble with local governments (just ask Tom DiChiaro and what Yorktown has put him through just to open his business), they have no regard for the prospective owner's time and expense. After all, these officials have their meetings at night, after their work day is done and they have earned their pay. Well, not everyone works nine-to-five.

Pat has put forward a "law with high-standard requirements aimed at ensuring quality and allowing the safe practice of this art form". Taking from mhis letter, below are some bullet points outlining his proposal:
• All Peekskill tattoo artists must have a valid license obtained through the NYC Health Dept.
• Universal Precautionary steps must be adhered to at all times.
• No convicted felons may apply for a permit to open a studio in Peekskill.
• No tattoo studio may not operate in a residential area.
• No sale of tattoo equipment will be permitted.
• No piercing or other form of body modification will be permitted.
• No tattooing of minors will be permitted, even with parental consent. You must be 18 years of age. No exceptions!
• Local studios must incorporate an on-premises art gallery. This is a requirement aimed at attracting a higher caliber of artists who seek to open a studio/gallery in our area, bringing with them a focus on the quality of the artwork itself, as well as reinforcing this art form’s place within the greater arts community.

What he is proposing goes in my opinion above and beyond what should be necessary, yet there are objections from what I have been able to find out, from the religious community. As this is a legal, licensed and heavily regulated industry, I say religion should refrain from interfering in matters of state.

This is not rocket science and Pat's proposal is eminently fair. People should go to the public hearing on August 8, 2011 and voice their support for this endeavor. This should not have taken a year already, and after this hurdle is passed, it should not take another year for this business to open. This is my opinion, you may beg to differ.

Anthony J. Bazzo

You can read more politics on Bazzo at Work or going to http:ltpbazzo.wordpress.com.
Dear Readers:

This gives me a chance to plug my business ATOM TAXI INC. As you are planning your holiday or business or vacation travel? Instead of the headache of trying to find Airport parking, we do Airport Service to The Westchester County Airport(and ALL other airports) 24/7. Just call 1(914)879-6121 and my partner Tommy, will be glad to take you in our Airport Taxi. You will also be provided with a free copy of your local paper of record The North County News. If this is a business trip we also provide a professional receipt, just tell Tommy at the time of booking. The cost of a one-way trip to LaGuardia Airport the cost is $100.00 plus tolls. The cost to JFK and Newark Airports is one hundred-thirty-five dollars plus tolls. The tolls are $13.00 Westchester County Airport and Stewart cost $75.00. We do not take credit cards, sorry.
Dear Readers:

It has come to my attention the difficulty in posting a comment on this blog. If you wish to comment, e-mail me at the link posted below, putting "Manifesto Reader" in the subject matter, and I will "cut and Paste" your comments myself. If you DO NOT wish your comments posted, but just wish to communicate with me, please make your wishes known in the e-mail.

LINKS: atom_taxi@yahoo.com(as this a yahoo address make sure you put an underscore (-) between atom and taxi)

For immediate reply: atomtaxi@aol.com

AT NCN: abazzo@ncnlocal.com

ellabellahairclippies: www.ellabellahairclippies.com

ROB ASTORINO: www.robastorino.com

JOHN G. TESTA: www.johngtesta.com

ON TOPIC W/ JOHN TESTA: www.ontopicwithjt.com

CARS & US: www.doverracing.com

THE WINERY AT ST. GEORGE: http://www.TheWineryAtStGeorge.com

PLAN PUTNAM: planputnam@googlegroups.com/

BRUCE APAR'S NCN BLOG: http://theblogcabin.com/homebase/bapar

NORTH COUNTY NEWS:"http://northcountynews.com/

THE JOURNAL NEWS:http://thejournalnews.com/

PEEKSKILL DAILY: peekskilldaily.com

YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: www.yorktownopengov.org

PADAVANO FINE ARTS: Padovanofineart.com

ASSEMBLYMAN GREG BALL: http://www.ball4ny.com/

PEEKSKILL BID: www.peekskillbid.com or

BRUCE THE BLOG GOES BAZZO: Thursdays at 10 P.M. channel 74. Available in Yorktown - Putnam Valley - Bedford - Bedford Hills - Mount Kisco - Katonah - Lewisboro - North Salem - Pound Ridge - Purdy Station - Amawalk - Granite Springs - Lincolndale - Somers - Baldwin Place - Shenorock - Mahopac.


YORKTOWN WATCHDOG: Every Monday at 9:30 P.M. channel 74
Hosted By: ED CIFFON (Yorktown and Putnam Valley only)

CARS & US: Fridays 10 PM chanel 15(Peek. & Cortlant) 74(York. & Put. Valley)
Hosted By: Dennis Tate

SPEAK OUT WITH SANDY GALEF: Yorktown chanel 74 Wednesdays at 7:30PM..Ossining/Peekskill chanel 15 Wednesdays at 8PM
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

DEAR SANDY: Yorktown chanel 74 Fridays 7:30PM...Ossining/Peeksill chanel 15 Fridays
Hosted by: Sandra Galef

All articles re-printed in this blog from the North County News are with the permission of Bruce Apar Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
